Just so you know, I happen to be a proud geek's wife (woo-hoo!), as well as the co-founder along with my daughter of "Bella's Lippy Stick" ( a kid-friendly makeup line for little girls. Hi! I'm Angel Price, wife of Fred, and mother to our three incredible children, Fred Jr., Gabriel and Bella.

Readers of my first book, that is, Behind The Seen, which debuts later this year! Being adept in various things tech, scholastic, and spiritual, I decided to finally bring it all together in one place, to both help others sort out what they know and believe, and to form a community of Believers who enjoy most things cool, unusual, geeky, and superhero-ish, too. With Bible-based truth being at the heart of what I wish to dissect and disseminate here, my ultimate aim is to spark the imaginations of visitors to this site, and inspire the minds of readers worldwide. That meant years of intense, thoughtful study, as I plowed through the many inconsistencies I found in history, in commonly-held scientific "facts," in contemporary culture, and even in some mainstream Bible teaching, until I could distinguish between truth and what proved to be mere ideas of "convenience". Questions on topics like angels and demons, dinosaurs and dragons, ancient gods and mythologies, giants and superheroes, the influence of popular culture on society and how it affects spirituality, and so much more. I've also been an avid and devoted student of the Bible for most of my life, and as such, I decided that I wanted to settle some of life's unanswered questions for myself. I'm not tooting my own horn when I say I've always been a deep, critical thinker this simply is part of my personality and character. In short, Matrix of Truth is a truth hub - an informational resource for lessons, teachings, discussions, and discoveries related to the most challenging biblical questions, to legends and mythologies that pertain to human destiny, to unexplained supernatural phenomena, and ultimately, to the mysteries of life. This is what led me to start Matrix of Truth. But don't worry - even with being a pastor, a husband, and a father, I remain a geek! And very proud of it. As Pastor, I am both humbled and honored by the responsibility of shepherding such a large and diverse flock, at the same time that I am passionately dedicated to my role as husband to Angel and father to our three brilliant children, Frederick the third, Gabriel, and Bella. Graduating in 2002, it was in that same year that I married my amazing wife, Angel Chavon Brown - and on my parents' 49th wedding anniversary, no less. Seven years later, in March of 2009, I accepted a second call: to pastor the historic Crenshaw Christian Center. But before then, I attended Long Beach State University where I studied Business Administration, and after a two-year stint there, I decided to enroll in the School of Ministry at Cottonwood Christian Center. Creflo Dollar was preaching years later, I was ordained to the ministry. The Lord spoke to my heart during a CCC service, in fact, while Dr.

When I was 17, though, I realized I was called to the ministry, and I made a choice to accept that call. Nor was there any pressure from my parents to do what they did when I grew up - they let me develop into my own person, and I thank God for that. though I never imagined becoming a pastor.
I had a host of childhood dreams, too, and I was full of curiosity and wonder. What's more, like a lot of kids, especially young men, I grew up loving comics, action figures, superheroes, and even hip-hop music. like all children, I could either be a little angel or a little devil, depending on the day! So, no, being a PK (or "preacher's kid") did not mean I never broke rules, got in trouble, or make major mistakes, just like everybody else. I was not automatically closer to God because of my parents' work in ministry, nor was I a perfect child. Price, I serve alongside my lovely wife, Angel.Īs the child of parents in ministry, you might think that growing up for me was significantly different or better than it was for the average kid. As pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center, located in Los Angeles and founded by my parents, world-renowned ministers of the gospel, Apostle Frederick K. This is the space where I get to be the seeker, scholar, and unabashed "geek" that I am, when it comes to all things supernatural - I want to pull back the curtain, expose the lies and unveil the truth, and ultimately show you some things you've never seen before that are "Behind The Seen". Price, the founder, though I'm better known as Fred to friends and family. Hello, and welcome to Matrix of Truth! I'm Frederick K. My laboratory is the world around me - everything from music to movies to comic books and ancient literature.” -Fred Price, Jr. My research began with my primary source, the Bible.